This delicate crystal requires careful handling
Cyanotrichite is a stimulating crystal that boosts energy, sparks initiative and drives motivation. This crystal can get you going--get you into action to accomplish your personal desires and goals. If you're looking for new beginnings, Cyanotrichite is for you.
This crystal helps you to be honest in your dealings with others, not to function from hidden agendas. If you are a leader, Cyanotrichite will help you be a better leader. This crystal helps you with planning skills, too. It helps you to think first and speak later when your thoughts are formed so that there can be no errors or misunderstandings in communication. Cyanotrichite helps you rid yourself of anger.
Cyanotrichite is a crystal for the brain as it helps you remember and to have clarity.
Please keep in mind that these crystals are products of nature and each one is unique and may have imperfections. The actual color and patterns may vary slightly as well.
This crystal is approximately 3 1/2 ' x 2"